therapy &


What We Provide

Appointments are available between 9am – 6pm during the week. Additionally, interns may be available to provide services during evenings and weekends as needed. For additional information, to discuss your needs, or to arrange an intake session, please fill in the form below or call us at (510) 926-8552. You may also send an email to

New clients may contact Dr. Perry’s office for appointments by completing the form below.

Established clients may use the patient portal to view, change, or schedule an appointment.

New Client Forms

If you’re a new client, please complete the following forms and bring them to your first therapy session.

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Many people struggle when faced with difficult problems or challenges. The death of a loved one can cause prolonged grief, or the end of a relationship can create a long period of sadness. A traumatic event may lead to episodes of fear or panic. Or perhaps substance abuse is taking a toll on your life. Individual psychotherapy can help identify ways to manage these and other challenges.

Finding healthy ways to cope is critical. Undesirable coping styles include yelling, withdrawing, or incidents of violence, among other things. These may be related to problems with mood, anxiety, trauma, family conflict, relationship issues, alcohol and drug use, or other factors. Psychotherapy helps people learn to manage life’s challenges, so unhealthy ways of coping can be replaced with better choices. Individual psychotherapy can lessen symptoms and provide an improved sense of well-being.


Couples counseling can help couples examine, understand, and resolve conflicts. Our therapists can help you and your partner identify tools to communicate better, negotiate differences, problem solve, and even argue in a healthier way.

Our office welcomes all couples in our practice, regardless of marital status or gender.  The only requirement is that both individuals share a goal of improving their relationship.


In group therapy, clients meet in a small group setting with individuals who share similar concerns, or want to target the same type of problem. People in group therapy often attend individual therapy as well, although that is not always the case.

Group settings provide a variety of benefits. Peers can provide a sounding board. Actively listening to others can help you put your own problems in perspective. Seeing how other people tackle their problems and make positive changes can help you advance towards your own goals.

Mindfulness Meditation Group

This group provides support for individuals using “mindfulness” practices. Research strongly suggests that mindfulness meditation practices offer many benefits, including improved quality of life, stress reduction, and more effective coping with conditions such as depression, anxiety, substance use, and chronic medical problems.

Emotional Recovery Group

This will be a new psychotherapy group that is designed to provide unique support and insight for those struggling with co-occurring substance use and emotional/mental health issues.


Sliding Scale


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    JOSH WOLF Nutritionist
  • “Dolor sit amet cons ectetur adipiscing elit donec metus nibh sceler isque et suscipit id auctor vitae magna nam sollicitudin velit tortor ut efficitur velit sagittis id nulla eleifend vulputate accumsan aliquam erat volutpat vestibulum leo turpis mollis id tristique nec vehicula volutpat augue.

    Amanda Clark
    Amanda Clark Dietitian

any questions?

For more information about our services, please visit contact page.


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